Most of the college students do not know how to score in the examination. They think that life in college is the same as high school. So, here are several tips on how new freshmen can achieve success..
1) Build and maintain good study and life habits. For many students, going away to college represents freedom from the structure of home and high school. In college, there are no curfews and no parents to wake students and ensure they are eating properly. Students who have good study and life habits are more likely to succeed in college.
2) Go to class consistently. Students who attend their lectures, labs and discussion sections are more likely to ace exams and pass the class. Unlike high school teachers, college professors may not take attendance and compel students to attend lectures — it's incumbent on students to show up and keep up with classwork. Lectures are often where professors “give away” the answers to exams and papers.
3) Choose a major and try to stick with it. College is a time of experimentation and the broadening of intellect. However, research shows students who choose a major by their sophomore year are more likely to graduate in a timely fashion than those who switch majors multiple times. This isn't to say students can't switch majors, but it is a warning that switching directions can often delay graduation.
4) Talk with your parents. For many students, college will be the first time away from their parents for an extended period of time. Some students may feel homesick. Others may struggle in class and just need a listening ear to vent or cry. Other students are more independent, but there will be times when they will seek help — whether it's taking care of laundry over Thanksgiving or help paying rent. Keeping in touch with parents and guardians will help students succeed in college.
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